AJAX progress indicator
  • 2 stray, 1 stay2 stray, 1 stay Description: This collaborative strategy gets students moving around the room while working with classmates to solve problems and answer questions. This also allows all students the opportunity to “be the teacher,” which students love to do. As students talk about their(...)
  • 3-2-1 Strategy3-2-1 Strategy Description: A method for students to summarize their learning: 3 things they learned; 2 things they would like to learn more about; one question they still have. Learn More from TeacherToolkit Learn More from Harvard Project Zero
  • 5-3-15-3-1 Description: This summarizing technique is a quick and useful tool to assess students’ background knowledge or their level of understanding. Asking students to determine the most important concepts, facts and points is a valuable skill. Intermediate students can use their responses(...)
  • 5W's and H5W's and H Description: The five Ws (what, when, where, why, who) plus an H (how) strategy can be used in a variety of ways. It is often used to help students summarize an article they read. It also helps them to organize their thinking and it can lead students to use a range of question(...)
  • Accountable DiscussionsAccountable Discussions Description: During the discussion students are held accountable to give reasons and evidence for their opinions. These types of discussions empower students to draw up arguments based on evidence. Students learn to respect the views of their peers while(...)
  • Affinity MappingAffinity Mapping (aka Affinity Diagram) Description:  Have each student write their response(s) on sticky notes. They can share with a partner. Once everyone has had a chance to share their ideas, return attention to the whole class and invite one student to begin by reading their issue aloud(...)
  • Alternate PerspectivesAlternate Perspectives Activities Description: Alternative perspectives can be incorporated into climate change teaching and learning through different subjects and disciplines, uncovering those among students, cultural differences, temporal perspectives, identifying minority(...)
  • Back and ForthBack and Forth Description: This technique allows students to explain a concept or idea and share thoughts with a partner. Students not only explain their understanding of the concept, but are able to listen to a classmate’s explanation and check it for accuracy. In this way, students are(...)
  • Bloom’s Taxonomy – Question StartersBloom’s Taxonomy – Question Starters Description: As a group or individually, students generate their own higher order questions using the prompts for each of the six Bloom’s Taxonomy levels. Examples of question starters
  • BookBook Description: Literature can be a powerful way to connect learners to an issue or idea. Choosing the right book is imperative to the quality of engagement and learning that takes place Check out the many books available on R4R Books Recommended by the(...)
  • Card SortCard Sort Description: This strategy gives students the opportunity to work with vocabulary, terms, and concepts. Students sort cards with the terms and concepts into categories based on meaning. Sorting the cards gives students a structure to talk meaningfully with one another about(...)
  • Carousel BrainstormingCarousel Brainstorming Description:  A structured brainstorming technique that includes movement, discussion and reflection. Students are divided into multiple groups and asked to walk around and explore different stations that have been placed around the classroom. Students brainstorm and(...)
  • Cause and EffectCause and Effect Description: A tool used to help students become empowered, analytic thinkers, capable of thinking through complex processes to make important decisions.Using the cause and effect tool can help students start to understand and investigate why things happen the way that(...)
  • Choice BoardChoice Board Description: Encourages multiple means of expression, as students chose a mode from a number of ideas to present their understanding of their learning. How to use it in the classroom
  • Circles of ActionCircles of Action Description: This routine is designed to foster students’ sensibility to opportunities to take responsible action and their concomitant motivation to doing so. It invites them to distinguish personal, local and global spheres and make local-global connections. It also(...)
  • Claim Support QuestionClaim Support Question Description: This routine encourages the process of reasoning by asking students to form interpretations and to support them with evidence. Questioning interpretations can help students see reasoning as an ongoing process. Learn More
  • Community ExpertCommunity Expert Description:  Find an expert in the field of learning that you are discussing in the classroom - whether it is the science behind climate change, sustainable investing, indigenous leadership on combating climate change etc. to speak to your class about their expertise, and(...)
  • Compare and ContrastCompare and Contrast Description: A higher order thinking strategy where students can use a graphic organizer to analyze the differences between two concepts or ideas. Why compare and contrast
  • Concept MappingConcept Mapping Description: A concept map can be created to explore an issue. The concepts are linked with a proposition which shows the relationship between the two concepts. This is more directed than a mind map which is a brainstorming tool. Students are able to explore many different(...)
  • Consequence MapConsequence Map Description: A graphic organizer that requires students to think about the potential long-term impacts of a real or imaginary event, issue, or problem. Learn more from Let's talk Science
  • Consolidation DiscussionConsolidation Discussion Description: The objective of this discussion is to be used as a wrap-up of an investigation or inquiry. Ensure that each student can describe what they did, why they did it, and what they found out. Learn More
  • Creative questionsCreative questions Description: "Formulating and exploring an interesting question is often as important than finding a solution. This routine encourages students to create interesting questions and then imaginatively mess around with them for a while in order to explore their creative(...)
  • Creative question startsCreative question starts Description: "This routine provides practice developing questions that provoke thinking and inquiry. Brainstorming such questions" helps students explore the complexity, depth, and multi-dimensionality of a topic (Project Zero, 2019) Learn More
  • Critical Thinking QuestionCritical Thinking Question Description:  Pose an interesting, thought provoking question to invoke students’ critical thinking about an issue or topic For example: What does ( ) mean to you? How do you interact with ( ) in your life? How to use effective questions
  • Does it fit?Does it fit? Description: "To help students more effectively flesh out and evaluate options, alternatives, and choices in adecision-making situation." (Project Zero, 2019) Learn More
  • Doodling/SketchingDoodling/Sketching Description: Solitary or group mapping of what information is known to date. The sketch would be beneficial to start at the beginning of an inquiry and revisited several times over the course of a project to see how the learning has evolved. Visual reminders to connect(...)
  • Elder Visit Description: Inviting and Elder into the classroom is a great way to develop relationships with an Indigenous community member. The visit benefits Indigenous students and will also help non-Indigenous students develop a better understanding of Indigenous culture and traditions.(...)
  • Essential AgreementEssential Agreement Description: Working collaboratively with students to create a class ‘constitution’ or ruleset that everyone must respect and abide by. These agreements are meant to help develop a community in which respect, and trust guide students’ interactions with one another.(...)
  • Facts or FictionFacts or Fiction Description: Too often, information can be accepted at face value without any supporting evidence. This routine is designed to explore the complexity of the realm of truth. It encourages slow looking, perspective taking, seeking supporting evidence, and analysis to uncover(...)
  • Five-Why'sFive-Why's Description: A simple yet powerful iterative interrogative technique used to explore the cause of a particular issue. This technique can be an effective way to get through the external, outward symptoms of a problem, and try to unpack the root or underlying causes. The basic(...)
  • Four CornersFour Corners Description: The Four Corners technique stimulates student learning through movement and discussion. Students express their opinion when presented with a statement by moving to one the four corners of the classroom, where a response is posted. (These are often: “Strongly(...)
  • Gallery WalkGallery Walk Description: Questions, student work, etc. are posted around the classroom and students rotate through them and write comments on their observations to further their understanding. How to use effective questions
  • Generate, Sort, Connect, ElaborateGenerate, Sort, Connect, Elaborate Description: GENERATE a list of ideas and initial thoughts that come to mind when you think about this topic or issue. SORT your ideas. CONNECT: your ideas by drawing connecting lines between the ideas that have something in common. Explain and write on(...)
  • HeadlinesHeadlines Description: This routine helps students identify the essence - or the core idea - of the topic/issue being discussed and reinforces taking notice of central themes as an essential tool in cultivating understanding Learn More
  • Helping Students Exercise Their Critical Thinking using the SEE-IHelping Students Exercise Their Critical Thinking using the SEE-I Description: Promoting critical thinking and moving past rote memorization is essential to students learning process. This skill will help them gain confidence talking about and working with novel topics within and beyond(...)
  • I used to think...now I thinkI used to think...now I think Description: "This routine helps students to reflect on their thinking about a topic or issue and explore how and why that thinking has changed. It can be useful in consolidating new learning as students identify their new understandings, opinions, and(...)
  • I Wonders"I Wonders" Description:  I wonders are used to describe the questions that students ask to themselves or others throughout their learning As a provocation: Pose an interesting “I Wonder…” and invite students to have one on one conversations about it Throughout the learning process/question(...)
  • If-then statementIf-then statement Description: If-then statements are usually taught to help students grasp the concept of cause and effect. Cause and effect is important for students to understand because it applies to a variety of academic areas and real-life situations. Learn More
  • InfographicInfographic Description: A visual representation of knowledge and information, designed to make complex ideas and data easy to understand. More from creative educator
  • Inside/Outside CirclesInside/Outside Circles Description: This discussion technique gives students the opportunity to respond to questions and/or discuss information with a variety of peers in a structured manner. Students form two concentric circles and exchange information with a partner until the teacher(...)
  • Issue IDIssue ID Description: Also referred to as: 'post-it/sort-it/discuss'Helps to identify ‘What is important to you’ and ‘Why.’ Write down an idea or issue related to climate change in point form. Discuss in a pair. Categorize your concerns as: Economic, Environmental, Social, CulturalPrompt(...)
  • JigsawJigsaw Description: The strategy involves the formation of Home Groups to resolve a task. The Home Groups allocate one member to each Expert or Research Group to gather data to bring back to the Home Group. For example, students are divided into small groups of five or six students each.(...)
  • JournalingJournaling Description: Journaling is an effective way for students to record ongoing learning and questioning. It is also an effective tool for teachers to have a record of each student's learning process in order to effectively guide the inquiry and determine where students are at in(...)
  • Knowledge Building CircleKnowledge Building Circle Description: A circular seated configuration of learners as they engage in a ‘knowledge building discourse’ A circle is used as an intentional physical configuration that is conducive to knowledge building. A KBC involves respectful dialogue in which students(...)
  • KWHLAQKWHLAQ Chart Description: An extended version of the KWL Chart, for students to think critically about where they currently are in their learning journey and where they want to go. Learn more
  • KWL ChartKWL Chart Description:  A graphic organizer designed to help students organize their learning. There are 3 columns: “What I Know, ““What I Want to Know,” and “What I Learned” Know and Want are completed before beginning research. Learned is completed after or as the research is completed. This(...)
  • Learning CirclesLearning Circles Description: Building knowledge through collaborative projects. Highly interactive, participatory structure for organizing group work. Can take place face to face or online. Online can be a good way to overcome distance and still work collaboratively. How to(...)
  • Les-3-YLes 3 Y Description: "Les 3 ""Y » est une routine utile pour réfléchir àl'importance d'un sujet ou d'un thème. Elle encourage l'observation attentive (lorsqu'elle estcombinée à une routine d'observation), l'examen dedifférents points de vue et approfondit lacompréhension de questions ou de(...)
  • Name, Describe, ActName, Describe, Act Description: This routine can be used to enhance close looking, develop descriptive language, and develop working memory. Depending on the stimulus/context, it can also be used to facilitate analysis of a topic. Learn More
  • Neighbourhood WalkNeighbourhood Walk Description: Take your class outside on a walk to observe the local environment. This could include both the natural and built environment. You could ask your students to look for anything from flora and fauna to evidence of adaptations to climate change.The focus on(...)
  • One-Minute PaperOne-Minute Paper Description: A focused question that can be answered quickly, asking students to reflect on their understanding of a concept. This provides the teacher with feedback on students’ perceptions on key learnings. Learn More
  • One Minute SentenceOne Minute Sentence Description: This strategy encourages students to form a concise summary of what they just learned. Students are able to demonstrate their understanding of an idea or concept by writing only one sentence to capture the most important elements. This strategy allows(...)
  • Parts Perspective MeParts Perspective Me Description: The routine helps students explore complexity by encouraging them to look closely at the details of something, considering its various viewpoints, users, and stakeholders, and reflecting on their own connections and involvement considering its various(...)
  • PlacematPlacemat Description: Allows students to think about, record, and share their ideas individually or in groups on a graphic organizer divided into quadrants. Learn more
  • Plus Minus InterestingPlus Minus Interesting Description: A critical thinking tool that determines student understanding of a concept. Students are instructed to write down the positives, negatives and interesting features of a topic, question or situation. Learn more (7-12) Learn(...)
  • Q-ChartQ-Chart Description: This question creation chart provides students with a framework for developing a range questions, of different levels of complexity (higher order thinking). See an example
  • Question Formulation Technique "QFT"Question Formulation Technique Description: A step by step process that was designed to help students produce, improve and strategize how to use their questions. Ask students in groups to generate as many questions around a topic/issue as they can in the allotted time (suggested 5 min).To(...)
  • RAFTRAFT Strategy Description: Students undertake a role and learn how to effectively communicate their ideas clearly to their chosen audience. An activity incorporating UDL by including choice and student voice. Learn more
  • Reverse Mind MapReverse Mind Map Description: Reverse mind mapping is a tool to use when you have an ‘information overload.’ It is called reverse mind mapping because rather than brainstorming connections and ideas stemming from one big idea, you start with many seemingly separate ideas/information and(...)
  • Round TableRound Table Description: This strategy encourages group learning, team building and cooperative learning. Groups of students are given a large sheet of paper and markers. A question is posed to the students in such a way that they can write multiple answers on the paper for the given(...)
  • SEE-ISEE-I Description: SEE-I is a method of clarification and understanding.[1] It stands for State, Elaborate, Exemplify, and Illustrate. This method provides a way to better understand and/or clearly communicate a concept or topic. SEE-I also lends itself to a natural descriptive style of(...)
  • See Think WonderSee Think Wonder Description: In this routine, students are generally sharing their thinking at each step along the way before moving on to the next one. This allows the class to build on the group's thinking and often results in richer discussions. Learn More
  • Sensory WalkSensory Walk Description: A sensory walk is typically a fun or colourful pathway that is used for children to explore new or different sensory experiences. Sensory paths can be used to support children with sensory processing issues or to help children to develop motor skills, balance,(...)
  • Step InsideStep Inside Description: This activity helps students view a place, situations, events or things through different lenses and points of view. Learn More
  • Stop and JotStop and Jot Description: This processing activity gives students the opportunity to respond to questions in writing. Asking students to think and write about what they are learning promotes retention and comprehension. These quick checks for understanding help students make sense of what(...)
  • Stratégie 3-2-1 Stratégie 3-2-1 Description: La stratégie 3-2-1 est une méthode qui aide les élèves à résumer leur apprentissage, comme suit :Trois : Les élèves écrivent trois choses apprises pendant la leçon.Deux : Ensuite, ils écrivent deux sujets qu’ils aimeraient approfondir.Un : Enfin, ils rédigent(...)
  • SurveySurvey Description:  An investigative tool used to gather further data from stakeholders on a topic or an issue. How to design a survey
  • TableauTableau Description:  Students create a still picture, without talking, to capture and communicate the meaning of a concept. Students must truly try to understand the meaning of a concept or idea to share it using physical poses, gestures, and facial expressions rather than words. Use(...)
  • Talking Circle/Sharing CircleTalking Circle/Sharing Circle Description: The Talking Circle as known as Sharing Circle, when used as part of classroom instruction provides a safe environment where students can express their point of view with others. In a Talking Circle, each students is equal, and each student(...)
  • Teaching Children to Ask and Answer QuestionsTeaching Children to Ask and Answer Questions Description: A critical skill in maintaining conversations is answering questions and asking related questions. This article includes games and activities for teaching children to ask and answer Wh- questions, stay on topic during(...)
  • Think Pair ShareThink Pair Share Description: Students think about a question or idea posed by an educator on their own first, and then turn to a partner and discuss their responses with one another. TPS is a learning tool designed to encourage active learning and cooperation between a pair of(...)
  • Think Pair ShareThink Pair Share Description: This discussion technique gives students the opportunity to respond to questions in written form before engaging in meaningful conversation with other students. Asking students to write and discuss ideas with a partner before sharing with the larger group(...)
  • Think Pair SquareThink Pair Square Description: This technique is very similar to Think Pair Share, but the sharing is taken one step further, to a group of four students. This technique allows students to have exposure to a greater number of perspectives, but still in an intimate group setting. Students(...)
  • Think, puzzle, exploreThink, puzzle, explore Description: "This routine activates prior knowledge, generates ideas and curiosity, and prepares students for deeper inquiry." (Project Zero, 2019) Learn More
  • Thirty Second Sound BiteThirty Second Sound Bite Description: Students work either individually or in groups to summarize a topic and convey their passion or understanding. The goal is to grab the listeners' attention in just 30 seconds. Got 30 Seconds? Talk about it
  • Triangle, Square, CircleTriangle, Square, Circle Description: This strategy encourages students to reflect on their learning and process information presented in the lesson. Similar to other closing strategies, it asks students to pick out important pieces of information and to question anything they don’t(...)
  • TubricTubric Description: The DQ Tubric 2.0 helps you practice writing Driving Questions by framing initial words, person or entity, action or challenge, and audience/purpose. The Tubric is a fun, hands-on way to practice the often-challenging task of writing a Driving Question for a(...)
  • U-shaped DebateU-Shaped Debate Description: Unlike a formal debate structure, in a u-shaped debate students arrange themselves along a continuum of opinions ranging from one polarized opinion to the opposite side. "Instead of an adversarial debating format, this strategy encourages students to see the(...)
  • Umbrella QuestionsUmbrella Questions Description:  Can also be referred to as "driving questions" for inquiry or project based learning. "Umbrella questions are overarching questions to help guide the learning process by connecting to big ideas and themes. Big ideas “go beyond discrete facts or skills to focus(...)
  • V-HeuristicsV-Heuristic Description: A V-heuristic requires students to think about their values throughout the learning process (beginning, middle and end) (Ahlberg, 2005).A concept mapping tool that helps learners evolve in their decision making skills, reflection and problem solving by helping(...)
  • Value LineValue Line Description: This exercise allows students to become more conscious of their own perspectives or understanding of a topic, as well as observe and appreciate their classmates perspectives. With a physical or imaginary line drawn on the ground, identifying one side of the line as(...)
  • VideoVideo Description: Informational, engaging videos can be a useful tool to use at different stages throughout the inquiry process. In the age of technology, videos are captivating for students, and almost immediately draw the classes attention which makes them an engaging initial(...)
  • Visual Processing CardsVisual Processing Cards Description : Visual processing cards are an effective tool for conceptualizing learning in a creative, visual way. Often the cards represent visuals for students to express what they learned, or how they feel about what was learned. Cards are spread out on the(...)
  • What makes you say that?What makes you say that? Description:  "This routine helps students describe what they see or know and asks them to build explanations. It promotes evidential reasoning (evidence-based reasoning) and because it invites students to share their interpretations, it encourages students to(...)